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Missions to Migrants in the Slums of Delhi, India

September 15, 2023 |  By Sue Morris

Migrants in the Slums of Delhi

The slums of Delhi are home to many migrants. Migrant day laborers receive a place to build a “temporary shack” and a food ration card to help ease the burden as they settle into this large-scale migration area. Since a food ration card also comes with the privilege to vote, the slums are a political settlement, with most residents being of the majority religion of Hinduism.

There were no Christian churches in the slums and no representation of the Gospel to these people who had never heard the name of Jesus. But Abraham wanted to change that. Establishing a church among poor migrant laborers would mean there was no support for a pastor. Still, Abraham felt compelled to go and share the Good News of Jesus.

Boldly Reach Migrants

Pastor Abraham began to do outreach in the slums. One day, he and his team visited some migrants selling cigarettes (rolls of tobacco mixed with other leaves). Pastor Abraham approached a boy, Kapal Dev, who was smoking.

“What are you doing?” Pastor Abraham inquired of Kapal.
“I am smoking to glory,” Kapal replied.
“Have you ever wondered if it is good or bad for you?” Abraham queried.
Kapal quickly replied, “It‘s good. I feel so light and relaxed. I am enjoying it.”
Again, Abraham questioned him, “Have you ever thought of what it does to your body?” Pastor Abraham took out his handkerchief and said, “Inhale.”
Kapal quickly inhaled the smoke.
“Now exhale as I put my hankie over your mouth,” explained Pastor Abraham.
Kapal observed a stain on the handkerchief.

“Do you know what that is?” Pastor Abraham continued, “It is nicotine that goes into your lungs and kills you slowly.”
Pastor Abraham persisted, “Do you want to give it up?”
Kapal answered, “I never thought of it.”

Offering the Best

Pastor Abraham expanded the discussion by sharing about another slow killer: sin. As he listened to how God sent his Son, Jesus, to die for our sins, something changed in Kapal. By the end of the conversation, Kapal was ready to be saved.

Kapal became a part of the church established to reach migrants in the slum community where he lived. He continued to grow in his faith, attended Bible college, and eventually became a pastor.

A Witness to His People

After becoming a pastor, Kapal told Pastor Abraham he wanted to return to his home province to share about Jesus with his people. With the support of ANM donors, Kapal now pastors in Bihar. Often, when someone from the slums is reached with the Gospel of Christ, he witnesses to those migrants in the slums, then returns to his home region to share the Good News.

How Can You Help?

You can impact the next young man like Kapal. Your gift will reach places where people are squandering their lives without the truth of the Gospel. By supporting a native missionary, you can send the hope of Jesus to someone you may never meet in person but may one day meet in heaven.

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