Wherever People Still Need to Hear the Gospel

The Gospel is God’s message of love for every person, but more than a third of the world’s people still haven’t heard it. Unfortunately, today less than 1% of Christian missions work is focused on taking the Gospel to these people who don’t have access.

ANM is committed to reaching them.

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ANM Is Reaching the Nations in 100+ Countries

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Does ANM Work in So Many Countries?

ANM is based in the U.S., but our work is directed by local leaders serving in their own regions and countries. In all, ANM supports more than 27,000 native missionaries committed to church planting, caring for children and families, and helping communities in need.

Hasn’t Everyone Had a Chance to Hear the Gospel?

Sadly, no. In the U.S., it’s easy for anyone to talk to a Christian, read the Bible, or visit a church. Most Americans have heard the Gospel, though they may have chosen not to accept it. In many other countries, the majority of people haven’t had that chance. There may not be a Bible in the local language, government restrictions and persecution may make it difficult to learn about Jesus, or there may not be many (or any) Christians in the area.

Where is the greatest need for Gospel access?

Most people who don’t have access to the Gospel live in Asia. The largest unreached people group in the world is the Shaikh people of Bangladesh (134 million, nearly 0% Christian). The majority of Shaikh people are Muslim and have never met a Christian.

What Does It Mean to “Reach the Nations” With the Gospel?


Jesus said that the Gospel should be taken to “all nations” (Matthew 24:14, 28:19). In the Bible, “nations” means people groups or ethnic groups, not countries. There are more than 17,000 people groups, and more than 7,000 have little or no Christian witness today. ANM’s vision is to reach all of these with the Gospel and make sure each nation has a growing church in its own language. Learn more about nations and people groups.

Is ANM Working in the 10/40 Window?


The 10/40 Window is a rectangular geographic area stretching from North Africa through the Middle East to Asia, covering about 68 countries. Its name comes from its position between 10 and 40 degrees north latitude. Two-thirds of the world’s population live there, including more than ¾ of the world’s most impoverished people. At least 60% of the people in the 10/40 Window have no access to the Gospel. These countries are a priority for ANM, and we work in more than 40 of them. Learn more about the 10/40 Window.







Does ANM Work in Countries Where Christians are Persecuted?

Most unreached people groups live in countries where persecution is common. In order to reach the nations, ANM is working in more than 40 of the top 50 countries where persecution is most intense. We support underground churches in North Korea, provide safe houses in Egypt, help Christian families in Afghanistan reach their neighbors, and more.