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Why Do Christian Countries Need Missionaries?

July 10, 2024 |  By Rebecca Olsen

Most people assume that missionaries work in countries where few Christians reside. While this is often true, many native missionaries are working in traditionally Christian nations too. Keep reading to learn why Christian countries need missionaries, what motivates these missionaries, and how you can support global missions.

Christian Nations on the World Watch List

One of the top reasons a Christian nation still needs missional support is because of high persecution. There are seven majority-Christian countries on the top 50 persecution world watch list from Open Doors. These seven countries are Cuba, Central African Republic, Nicaragua, Ethiopia, Mexico, Mozambique, and Cameroon. All of them are at least 50% Christian and some are over 95% Christian, yet believers still experience heavy persecution.

The sources of persecution change in each country, but the predominant sources are government paranoia and organized corruption and crime. Communist or post-Communist oppression, Islamic oppression, clan oppression, and secular intolerance also make living as a Christian difficult in some of these countries. In Ethiopia, Protestant Christians face persecution from the Ethiopian Orthodox Church as well.

We support native missionaries in many of these countries. Missionaries there focus on ministering to and encouraging existing believers, as well as reaching out to unbelievers. Sometimes they are even reaching out to and showing God’s love to their oppressors, which has changed many hearts for Christ.

Other Christian Nations That Need Missionaries

Other countries around the world have high numbers of Christians, yet we still empower missionaries there. Spain, Brazil, the Philippines, Nigeria, Russia, and Haiti are just a few examples of Christian nations that need missionaries. However, they need missionaries for different reasons.

For example, Spain has seen a decline in practicing Christians despite a rich faith history. ANM supports a ministry in Spain that is planting churches and offers discipleship that will produce another generation of believers. Meanwhile, there are 5 million unreached people in the Philippines, and we support multiple ministries that are helping these people. Many of the ministries meet practical needs, such as medical care and clean water, while also sharing the Gospel. Both Christian countries have a unique need for native missionary support that we are glad to provide.

Main Motive of Global Missions

The main motive of all these native missionaries, no matter where or how they’re serving, is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. While the details of their work differ, these ministry workers share the same dedication to seeing people come to saving knowledge of Jesus and follow Him for their entire lives. Even when they face difficulties, the motivation of sharing Christ and the support of fellow faithful believers helps them persevere.

Supporting Native Missionaries

So how can you support native missionaries in Christian countries? The first and most important way is through prayer. Native missionaries face many challenges, even in Christian countries. As we described above, many face persecution. They also experience daily struggles just like us, such as balancing work and family or managing their physical health.

Another common challenge is finances. While some ministries run businesses and are at least partially self-sustaining, many cannot do that yet. They depend on donations to keep the ministry going, especially where local support is low. Generous financial support from people like you can make an eternal impact on a native missionary, their ministry, and the community they serve.

Now that you understand the needs of missionaries in Christian countries, you can join us in praying for them and global missions. Download our free guide to praying for missionaries to go through 7 days of prayer for the needs of native missionaries. Use this guide on your own, with your family, or even at church to focus your prayers for the nations.

Download 7 Days of Prayer for Missionaries now.

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