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Signs a Missions Nonprofit Organization Is Trustworthy

June 19, 2024 |  By Rebecca Olsen

There are many nonprofit organizations around the world that help people in various ways. Missions organizations like Advancing Native Missions focus on helping people spiritually, as well as providing for physical needs.

If you want to get financially involved in a nonprofit like ours, you should do some homework first. Some nonprofit organizations aren’t as trustworthy as we are, and we want you to have all the information possible when making this decision. We explain the signs of a trustworthy missions nonprofit organization below.

Financial Accreditation

Missions organizations like ours welcome your prayers, as well as financial support. Before you trust any nonprofit with your money, you should check that they are financially accredited.

Various organizations accredit and rate nonprofits based on their finances and transparency. ANM is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability and has top ratings from Charity Navigator and Candid (GuideStar).

Board of Directors

A nonprofit should also have a board of directors. This board provides checks and balances for the organization, as well as guidance for the organization’s service area.

A good board doesn’t financially profit from the organization. They should ensure that finances are properly reported and the organization has the resources they need to thrive. Our eight-person board provides all this and more for ANM.

Regular Communication

Another way you can verify the trustworthiness of a nonprofit is how regularly they communicate with people. An organization that is hiding their financials, lack of success, or similar issues won’t communicate very often. In contrast, a good organization will regularly share updates through social media, blogs, phone calls, emails, newsletters, mailings, and other ways.

One of our goals at ANM is to connect with our supporters as much as possible. We share our successes, as well as our prayer requests, through print and digital channels very often. Depending on what you opt into, you’ll receive letters, phone calls, cards, and emails. You can follow us on social media and check our blog to find additional information as well.

Honest Reviews

While nonprofits do a lot of good work, none of us is perfect. Honest reviews on Google, social media, and other platforms let us know what we’re doing right, how we can improve, and what other people think you should know.

Read as many honest reviews as you can. We’re proud to say that we have 4.9 stars on Google thanks to honest, supportive reviews.

Question Response

As we mentioned above, an organization that is hiding something doesn’t communicate well, especially if you ask them questions. A good organization will respond to questions as quickly, efficiently, and honestly as possible.

You’re welcome to contact us with questions, comments, and concerns through a form on our website, email, or over the phone. We always enjoy speaking with prospective donors and supporters.

Success Rate

The last sign that a missions nonprofit organization is trustworthy is their success rate. While success rates are hard to measure, any organization should be able to tell you about what they’re doing well.

Our favorite success statistics are that we’re working in 121 countries, many within the 10/40 Window, and support over 27,000 native missionaries. These native missionaries do great work around the world and have planted over 40,000 churches in the last 30 years.

Now you know how to find a trustworthy nonprofit. If you’ve decided to support ANM through prayer or finances, download our 10/40 Window prayer guide or visit our website for ways to give.

Download the free 10/40 Window Prayer Guide now.